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Thursday 18 April 2013

What are employers looking for?

Hi Everyone:

This week in class, my HCA students and I talked about how to go out there and find a job once their schooling is done. I thought this is also a good subject to share with you. According to the presenter we had in class today from our local Health Authority the top 10 qualities employers seek are: 

1. Communication Skills (Verbal and Written)

2. Honesty/Integrity

3. Teamwork Skills (works well with others)

4. Interpersonal skills (relates well to others)

5. Motivation/Initiative

6. Strong Work Ethic

7. Analytical Skills

8. Flexibility/Adaptability

9. Computer Skills

10. Attention to Detail

So while working on those resumes of yours be sure to add how you demonstrate these qualities in your cover letter.
Remember, your resume is your way of selling yourself to your future employer!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Sometimes you just gotta laugh when you talk about poop!!

Every time I teach a class on 'elimination' I share this video clip from the show Scrubs showing them sing the "Poo Song"!

Even in the serious health care careers...sometimes you just need to have a good laugh!!

Using Validation Therapy with your Dementia Clients

Hello Everyone:

My HCA students and I have been doing a lot of research lately on how to connect and communicate with the dementia patients that we work with. One of the most break-through therapies is known as Validation Therapy.
Validation Therapy "was developed by Naomi Feil for older people with cognitive impairments and dementia. The basic principle of the therapy is the concept of validation or the reciprocated communication of respect which communicates that the other's opinions are acknowledged, respected, heard, and (regardless whether or not the listener actually agrees with the content), they are being treated with genuine respect as a legitimate expression of their feelings, rather than marginalized or dismissed."

Is other words, Validation Therapy is a way for you to enter into the reality of the client with dementia in order to connect with them and help them to feel cared for.

Naomi Feil is such an amazing person and her work with dementia clients has been so beneficial to geriatric health care.

Naomi gives us these 10 principles:
Taken from The Validation Breakthrough: Simple Techniques for
Communicating with People with Alzheimer's -Type Dementia
Naomi Feil (1993)
  1. All people are unique and must be treated as individuals.
  2. All people are valuable, no matter how disoriented they are.
  3. There is a reason behind the behavior of disoriented old-old people.
  4. Behavior in old-old age is not merely a function of anatomic changes in the brain, but reflects a combination of physical, social and psychological changes that take place over the lifespan.
  5. Old-old people cannot be forced to change their behaviors. Behaviors can be changed only if the person wants to change them.
  6. Old-old people must be accepted nonjudgmentally.
  7. Particular life tasks are associated with each stage of life. Failure to complete a task at the appropriate stage of life may lead to psychological problems.
  8. When more recent memory fails, older adults try to restore balance, in their lives by retrieving earlier memories. When eyesight fails, they use the mind's eye to see. When hearing goes, they listen to sounds from the past.
  9. Painful feelings that are expressed, acknowledged, and Validated by a trusted listener will diminish. Painful feelings that are ignored or suppressed will gain strength.
  10. Empathy builds trust, reduces anxiety, and restores dignity.

If you are interested in learning more about Validation Therapy check out this website:

Lastly, check out this video of Naomi using Validation Therapy with a client who is virtually non-verbal:
(Brings me to tears every time I watch it)

Check out these other interesting Blogs!

Hi Everyone:

I am currently taking a course at VCC where the students in my class are required to create their own blog pages. Check out the following blogs my fellow students have made:


- Nurse Kat (another fellow HCA instructor) states that her blog is "a place where Health Care Students can go to and take some time to focus on themselves,  get study tips, find updates on medical advances and find a place to cope with stress. Alas, this Health Care Student Break Room  is the purpose of my blog."


-This blog is about Technology & Social Media in Chemistry Education


-Kristine's Blog (another fellow HCA instructor!)

Kristine states that her blog "isn’t directed at any person or group of people in particular. I’m writing it for me, primarily, to keep track of my thoughts and the events that happen in and around my work life. I hope, though. that others will enjoy it as well. Stories unfold, wants to be told and lessons learned by others can help  keep you from making their mistakes. Experienced nurses may enjoy reading someone “preaching to the choir”, new nurses may pick up some tricks and tips, future patients/residents and loved ones may appreciate hearing what it’s like on the other side of the stethoscope. Or maybe it’ll just be good for a laughing, a little crying, a little look at human nature. Regardless of why you’re here, I hope you get something out of it.


- Excerpt from the about section of the blog "I’ve gone from an Ecology Science Technician to Recreation and Administration to Recreation Therapy and now to Teaching.  My subject area is not nailed down as yet, but in the end I’m sure it will be a blend of all the above with a healthy dose of Wellness mixed in (emotional, cognitive, physical, spiritual, financial, and social ~ well being)."


"The purpose of this blog is to explore the concept of creativity, sharing in creative thought, and supporting each other and ourselves in our creative endeavors.  This blog is for anyone who wants to develop their capacity for creative expression, and creative thinking."


-Blog about fibromyalgia. The blogger writes "I suffer from chronic pain and have thought about blogging on this subject for years. I finally decided to do so as I find there is a real lack of information out there. I would like to pass on what I have learned through my journey…."